How Does Invisalign Work? Here’s What You Need To Know

If you ask around how teeth can be aligned, the answer that you’d most likely get is wearing dental braces. But if you inquire about it from a professional — say, the best dentist Reston, VA– you’d know that you have other choices, and the most popular of which is the so-called Invisalign.
What is Invisalign
Like what you can imply from its name itself, Invisalign is a teeth-aligning alternative that can be considered virtually invisible. Instead of having metal brackets and wires, these removable aligners are made of flexible plastic that can be specifically made to fit your mouth perfectly. It can treat patients with overbite, underbite, crossbite, open bite, gap teeth, and crowded teeth.
While it does sound like a great option if you don’t want to experience restrictions caused by traditional teeth alignment methods, not everyone is qualified to get Invisalign. If it’s a little bit more complicated, you might have to resort to the conventional way of correcting your teeth alignment. The same would go if the patient is too young — meaning their bone structure and other parts of their mouths are still developing. As these aligners are custom-built, the development happening in the patient can make the corrective measure rather ineffective.
How It Works
When you consult with the best dentist Reston, VA, expect that one of the first things they’d do is to examine your condition. Your mouth can also be x-rayed in the process.
After figuring out what needs to be corrected, they will come up with a plan on how to make your bite normal and your teeth aligned. In more advanced clinics, a digital treatment plan is also created to see how your teeth will exactly move.
Invisalign aligners are carefully engineered to give off the right amount of pressure for your teeth to come to their proper places. From time to time, your dentist will check if the aligners still fit within your mouth correctly, and make necessary adjustments otherwise.
Treatment using this type of aligner typically lasts from 10 months to two years.
The Benefits You Will Get
We’ll start with the obvious (and what has been said) — Invisalign aligners are barely noticeable. With this advantage, you won’t have to deal with meeting people consciously (or subconsciously) looking at your “metal mouth.”
Also, these aligners are removable. If you want to indulge in gastronomic treats, you can do so without having to worry if food debris will get stuck on your aligner. If you ask the best dentist Reston, VA, Invisalign’s being removable is much helpful when it comes to maintaining good oral health — you can clean them more thoroughly once removed from your mouth.
Another plus is you avoiding having painful irritations caused by metal brackets and wires. Many patients who wear traditional braces deal with sores in their mouth caused by these components. As Invisalign is custom-built, you can also ensure that it will provide you comfort — something that their conventional counterparts fail to do, especially during the start and during every adjustment period.
At SmileZone, Dr. MahathiNanduri offers a complete line of dental services to bring back your perfect smile. If you need the best dentist Reston, VA, contact us today.