CBD Oil vs CBD Capsules (Infographic)


Cannabidiol (CBD) is a product that came from cannabis. It’s a type of cannabinoid, which are the chemicals naturally found in marijuana plants. Even if CBD comes from the marijuana plant, CBD does not have a psychoactive effect. This means that taking CBD does not bring a high every time you take the chemical. 

There is a controversy regarding the use of cannabis products because many people still think that you can get high in taking CBD products. However, there is a growing population that knows about the health benefits that you can get from taking cannabis. The CBD usage was enacted as a law in both the US and UK. 

There are no significant side-effects of using CBD that can be considered fatal. However, there is a possibility of depression, dizziness, hallucinations, low blood pressure, and withdrawal symptoms such as irritability and insomnia. More studies are needed to be conducted to know the true potential and side effects of CBD. 

The benefit of CBD is its ability to be taken in many forms. The two of the most bought CBD forms are CBD oil and CBD capsules UK. If you want to know the better CBD form that you should use, you can check this colorful infographic from Love CBD.