Addiction Treatment That Addresses Real Life Problems

Addiction treatment helps the individual address more than just their addiction. The process addresses any issues that could lead to the addiction and continue to drive the individual to use drugs or alcohol. Understanding what life problems the treatment program addresses shows the patients what they can expect when signing up for treatment.
How Does Addiction Affect the Brain?
Addiction alters the neuropathways of the brain and causes the brain to become rewired. Naturally, the body produces serotonin and dopamine which are natural-feel good hormones. When an individual becomes addicted, the body produces a higher volume of the feel-good hormones. After the effects of the drugs or alcohol plateau, the individual must use more of the substance of choice. As addiction progresses, the brain becomes more dependent on the substance. If the individual stops using, the brain causes severe withdrawal symptoms.
Managing Social Anxiety and Pressures
Social anxiety and peer pressure are the most common reasons that addiction starts. The pressure to fit in takes over the individual, and their body becomes dependent on the substance. This need to appease others and be like their friends is far more overwhelming for the individuals and becomes the basis of the addiction. Understanding how peer pressure and social anxiety cause addiction helps the individual find better ways to cope with this need to fit in and helps them stand apart as their own individual Patients who undergo counseling find answers about why they want to fit in and how the decision to be their own person helps them to overcome the addiction. Anyone who wants help with addiction finds that ARC can help with a variety of issues and help them have a successful recovery.
Diverting Negative Thought Processes
Diverting negative thoughts processes helps the individual get better control over their anxiety and stress. When the right therapy, the patients learn to acknowledge that the negative thoughts are there, but they can set these thoughts aside and focus on positive information. It’s not the same as shoving negative thoughts away in the mind, but it is more so finding a more positive reaction when the negative thoughts occur. Patients who master this skill can lower their stress levels and prevent past trauma from taking over their lives and causing them to use alcohol or drugs. Understanding the best practices for processing negative thoughts improves the individual’s chances of recovery.
Creating the Life You Want
Creating the life you want helps the individual address anything in their lives that has prevented them from living happily. For some, it is their job or career path that lowers their happiness and prevents them from feeling fulfilled. Assessing their life and determining the best ways to make changes are the path to recovery.
Addiction treatment involves several therapies and methods of understanding how the brain works. It is the brain that drives the individual to use drugs or alcohol. It is the changes in their neuropathways that require more of the substance to receives feel-good hormones. Individuals who want to learn more about the programs contact a counselor now.