Chin Surgery: Augmentation And Reduction Mentoplasty

Now that you know how chin surgery is performed, when you are talking about how many type of chin surgery (เสริม คาง มี กี่ แบบ which is the term in Thai), it is essential to know that there are two types, augmentation and reduction.
In the case of augmentation rhinoplasty, it is recommended for patients with less-than-ideal bone development for their profile. For this, a prosthesis is placed, or the bone is repositioned, as explained in the previous topic. Regardless of which method is used, the surgery can take up to an hour, depending on each case. There are still other methods for chin surgery to increase it, such as those made with absorbable and non-absorbable products or fat grafting. These usually take no more than 30 minutes.
In the case of a reduction mentoplasty, the patient has a more voluminous chin than ideal. For this, a piece of the shin bone will be cut and removed, and the fragments are repositioned, thus bringing facial harmony.
How Are Chin Surgery And Post-Op Done?
After performing the chin surgery, the surgeon will recommend everything that needs to be done postoperatively to do nothing wrong during recovery. However, discharge is given on the same day as the surgery, and if the patient has an implant, the prosthesis will be immobilized for about a week, depending on the specific case. If the surgery is accompanied by liposuction of the neck, this part of the body will be protected with a band until the recovery. In the first weeks after the procedure, it is not recommended to exert effort and avoid sudden movements in the place. Usually, after a week, the stitches are removed, and also a post-operative evaluation to analyze if everything is going well.
The doctor will only prescribe the use of medication to control pain and to swell at the site. To sleep, the doctor may indicate that the head is higher. There may also be numbness of the lips and the operated region in the first few days; however, the doctor should be sought immediately whenever something very abnormal happens.
What Is The Cost Of Chin Surgery?
After evaluating the plastic surgeon, a budget will be prepared for your case. It is essential to understand that each patient needs a method and that no case is the same or another, so only the doctor will be able to say the value of any of the procedures performed. So, if you want to know more details about this topic, schedule an appointment with your surgeon and better understand the prices.