Highlights On Intracorneal Rings and Keratoconus


The intracorneal rings also called intrastromal commonly used for the treatment of Keratoconus, an alteration in the structure of the cornea distorting vision. The implant of these semicircular rings manages to give uniformity to the cornea and correct dioptres.

Intracorneal rings are implants made of biocompatible and transparent material inserted into the centre of the cornea or stroma. With this, it is possible to reduce the aberrations produced by Keratoconus and regularize the corneal surface, improving the patient’s vision.

One of the main advantages of its implantation in the patient’s eye is to avoid resorting to surgery using a corneal transplant and avoiding an Under eye filler (Filler ใต้ตา which is the term in Thai)

In which cases should they be implanted?

Patients suitable for implanting intracorneal rings are:

  • Keratoconus patients.
  • Other causes of irregular astigmatism.
  • Patients who do not adequately tolerate contact lenses or have corneal deformation.

What is Keratoconus

Keratoconus is an alteration of the cornea that one out of 1800 people, mainly young people, suffers. This ocular pathology produces a thinning of the corneal thickness and modifies its curvature by, instead of spherical, a conical one.

As a consequence, irregular corneal astigmatism is generated, as well as myopization that distorts the images and decreases visual acuity.

How Is The Diagnosis Of Keratoconus?

The specialist ophthalmologist will perform a complete ophthalmological examination to assess diagnosis and determine the location and depth of the intracorneal rings’ implantation that will correct this ocular pathology.

Specifically, the following ophthalmic tests will be requested:

  • Corneal topography.
  • Corneal pachymetry.
  • Pupillometry.

Advantages Of Using Intracorneal Rings

  • They improve visual acuity.
  • Improves tolerance and adaptation for the use of contact lenses.
  • Corneal surface improvement.
  • Improve visual quality.
  • They are reversible; that is, the patient can safely remove the rings.
  • Stabilizes the possible progression of Keratoconus.